A Thinking Man's Bully

A Thinking Man's Bully

  • $26.00

Quick Overview :

By Michael Adelberg

ISBN 9781579622282

Matt Duffy is in crisis. His son, Jack, is a high school bully who attempts suicide after Matt snuffs out a fast-moving teen romance. Outwardly, Matt is fine, but inside he is filled with guilt and resentment. Matt reluctantly agrees to see a psychiatrist who pushes him to explore his fractious parenting and his own bullying past. The end result is a collection of Matt's most important, outrageous, macabre, and indelible memories.
A Thinking Man's Bully locks readers into Matt's head as he romps with hell-raising buddies, bumbles in and out of teen romances, and attempts to manage a combustible relationship with his supposed best friend, who dies by his own hand. It all serves to make it easy to remember bullies like Matt, Jack, and some of Matt's friends as fearsome people to be avoided.
Within this debut novel, readers are sent back to high school to relive both their insecurities and recall the allure of the bad-ass and the mean-spirited laughter that comes too easily at the expense of others. Adelberg also hopscotches the last 30 years of pop culture with cutting wit.
Ultimately we are witness to the profound struggle of an aging bully who is not quite lost, but far from redeemed: a soul pitted against the growing realization that he has transferred his worst demons to his son.

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